What is Real?

What is Real?

There is thought ; What is Real? Do our senses transit what is real?. Recently watched a the movie "The Matrix" and in that there's an excerpt about how they have gone through this subject, which goes, "How do u define "real?". If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see, then real is simply electrcial signals interpreted by your brain." Then what is real, are we not seeing, or listening, or sensing the truth?

The question makes us ponder upon then what is REAL?...........and then if what we see, hear, or sense is not real then is it our imagination. Or is it what we want to see and listen and sense. Then another question arises is then what is imagination??? and how is it that we imagine??? Are those our needs??
But there is just one thing that is eternal and that is the source of energy. And our ultimate goal should always be to unite with our source. But its just how we are digressing from our ultimate goal and trying to justify what is truth. But in the end there would be, will be only one TRUTH and everything is literally false because at one point of time everything is going to fade.


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