my second innnings

 i still remember the day u left me lonely 

felt why it happened to me only?

something changed after that day 

i met someone on orkut in the month of may 

she was charming and sweet 

but was never tidy and neat

though it wasnt a specs for a new friend

gosh didnt know was going to marry her in the end.

she try to fill all the gaps you left 

bcoz she thot i was left bereft 

she taught me how to enjoy every moment

and showed me there was no reason to lament

and burn my  energy but to  save the element of love 

for her of course, when she drove 

me down on her streets 

explaining in pieces and bits

i ignored everything she said but never her love and passion

as it was her first and she wanted to explore every region 

time flew and we got married and 

 today we have a loving and notorious son who will know for sure 

that love can be blind but is always true .



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